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Motives for Serving God

QUESTION: Motives for Serving God - A Prayer for Leaders


Motives for Serving God – Insights from God’s Word

And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to myself. - John 12:32

Motives for Serving God - Do a Heart Check
Prayer: Lord, I bow my head this new day -- confessing with my mouth -- that I need to take a long, hard look at my own motivations -- especially as I realize the magnitude of what lies ahead. I have been privileged for years to live and labor in Your harvest fields -- where You have changed my heart and revealed my true nature to me. I am convinced You are far more interested in my character than in my abilities -- so this morning I want to do a heart check so I can be confident that I am on Your wavelength.

I work under the leadership of a Godly pastor -- who often challenges me to be me -- and allows me to express my heart without fear. His example often challenges me to do a heart check -- and I am grateful this has become a pattern for me over these last 13 years. I am alert this morning to the fact that I am privileged to serve at a church on the top of a very big Tsunami wave. It is precisely because of this that I need to be sure my motivations are pure and my heart is on target with Your heart. If this is not the case I know I would be in danger of falling into a false pride that could not only harm me -- but it could harm others as well.

My true desire this day is to be obedient to Your call. It is impossible to have the wrong motivations when I walk obediently with You -- hand in hand -- down Your path. It is for Your glory that I labor. It is to see You high and lifted up -- given the honor You deserve. Your name must be lifted up -- I will settle for nothing less.

Your precious Presence has become my source of nourishment. Your grace has sustained me, and You have carried me with You as you have impacted the world -- sowing thousands of seeds along the way. You are the “constant” of my life -- and without You I stumble and fall.

These are such exciting times to be serving You, my King. It is because I recognize the times in which I live, that I know how important it is to be in this with You -- for the right motivations. Only You are worthy -- only You can take the scroll and open its seals (Revelation 5:9). You are the one who purchased me -- and You are the one -- the only one -- worthy to be honored and glorified. I am so grateful to see You being lifted up and glorified in the earth. You are our Lord and You will reign forever.

To be like You is my goal and the desire of my heart. I know this is the most important thing to get right. You don’t need me to “do” anything -- but You do desire to change me into Your image so I can follow You “Beholding Your glory” as I go. I know this is why holiness, righteousness and pure motivations are so important to me -- You are holy, righteous and pure!

Help us, Lord, to get this right. Help us to look at our own motivations so we can be sure we are on Your solid ground. Our human nature is tricky and Satan is clever. Only You can restore and reconcile us to Yourself, so please -- I cry -- put all for whom I pray on Your path. Equip them by Your grace and mercy to seek holiness, righteousness and pure motivations as the true treasure they are.

We are a needy people, my King. We stumble all over the place -- we make many false starts and often end up back where we started because of our foolishness. We don’t have to live like that.

Help us to keep our eyes on the goal. I want to ride the wave I am on with integrity -- and a sure footedness I don’t always possess. Help us to persevere -- to not give up -- no matter how large the wave looks or how dark our own fears may be. You are in control. You have it all plotted out -- I only want to cooperate with You -- staying strong to the end -- giving You all the honor and glory by the way I live.

I need your help, Lord -- we all need Your help -- but I know You hear my plea and will answer my call. Make us people of integrity -- pure, holy and righteous. Use us as You will. Our goal is to see You high and lifted up -- all else pales in the light of Your glory. Grant us closeness with You that will sustain us -- and help us to keep our eyes on You -- obediently following Your lead.

Motives for Serving God – Making it Personal
Reflect: No matter where you serve as a member of the Body you will periodically need to do a heart check. It is a wise person who recognizes their weaknesses and their humanness. Take an inventory of why you do what you do. Ask the Lord to show you any false motivations that could derail us from accomplishing His purposes. This is vital if you are to stay the course and persevere. Remember it is not what you do that God looks at as much as it is the motivation of your heart. He is far more interested in your character. Don’t fall victim to your human nature -- which often equates “doing” with “succeeding.” God’s goal is to make you like His Son. How are you doing in becoming like Christ?

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What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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