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Prayer for Courage and Strength

QUESTION: Prayer for Courage and Strength


Prayer for Courage and Strength – Insights from God’s Word
When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? - Psalm 56:3-4

Prayer for Courage and Strength – Rely on the Power Source
Prayer: How odd it is, my Father, that one morning out of the blue, on an ordinary day with nothing of consequence behind or ahead, that You would choose to hit me square between the eyes. I admit this morning that Your ways are indeed not my ways, and that Your understanding so far surpasses mine, that I am humbled to the extreme. Many times I have come before You asking for this or that, and many times You have answered. Still, there has always been a nagging, tugging at my heart that has said You have really seen nothing yet.

Today, a bright new beginning is looming ahead of all of us. Today, You are where You have always been -- just waiting for us to give it up and come to You -- trusting You for ALL and willing to pay the cost. How many "awakenings" does it take for Your children before they finally get the courage to step out in faith knowing completely that You, the most powerful force in the universe, are walking with them. We all have many excuses for choosing to ignore the exciting life You wait to give us. Some of us are frightened, some of us are prideful -- all of us hold on to our own comfort zones as if our life depended on it. Yet, here You are offering us a life of such potential that even our own wildest imaginings could never grasp its full meaning.

It is the cry of this prayer, this day that You, my Father would make it clear to all who pray this prayer the potential of what their lives can really mean as they learn to rely on You and on Your promises. I know clearly this morning that You never intended for any of us to live lives of confusion, but rather You give us an opportunity to live a life of such potential that no force on the earth can stand against it -- because You are the source of the fire that ignites that life. I am also sure that You never intended for us to be at war with one another, but rather to rely on the individual strengths of our brothers and sisters in Christ so that together we could neatly weave a kaleidoscope of beauty so intense that evil falls down at it’s approach.

Father, forgive Your foolish children for the years we have spent trying to control things around us, and set us on fire with Your passion for Your people and with a renewed trust and faith in what You want to do through us. Remove the yoke of self imposed importance we have wrapped around us, and restore in us humility of spirit that seeks to honor You first, and to bring through our lives a testimony of what You are attempting to do in all of us. Take away any temptation that comes our way to move ahead without a clear call from You, and take away the impatience that often threatens to derail us before You are ready to send us forward.

All of my life, for the rest of my life, I give to You. Take it and use it as You will, and by Your grace and power enable me to clearly see Your Face, to follow Your direction, and to have the courage to act in faith even when I don’t understand it fully. My trust in You, Father, is all I really have this morning, as the rest of me is mired in cowardice and trembling in worry. Remove this burden I have laid on myself and free me to soar on eagle’s wings, reaching for the heavens and trusting You for the wind to keep me aloft. To You be all the honor and glory!

Prayer for Courage and Strength – Making it Personal
Reflect: If this prayer reflects your heart today, get ready for God to begin a work in you that will transcend anything you’ve experienced before. Our God waits for His children to come to him in surrender so He can give you a life of such potential that your human mind couldn’t possibly understand. His heart wants to join with your heart and change the world -- and to express the love He has for ALL His people. He needs You to trust Him and to walk with Him -- as He calls You to walk. This only becomes clear when He is your first love. Seek Him now while He can be found.

Prayer of Faith - Learn More!

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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